Dear Mah by James Allen (2011)

Dear Mah,

You know, all the things you did

Or that you didn’t do

And said

Or didn’t say

Are over now,

And whats done is done


So you know that,

I have forgiven you

And it’s just about time

To forgive your self


I wish I could pull these magic words

Out of somewhere

Hell anywhere,

But I don’t know what it is

That you need to hear


Maybe it’s that

Derek and I

We still love you

Maybe it’s that

You don’t need money

To be a good parent

Or maybe it’s that

No one is judging you anymore

for what had happened in the past


Just maybe it’s that those scars in your arms

From years of collapsed veins

Might go away

One day,

If you learn to forgive your self


And I’d love to tell you

That memories of time in a cell

Will just disapear

But they stay locked

In the prison within your mind


Maybe I need to tell you

That I’m a writer because of you

And I thank you

And I thank god

For the gift that the two of you have given me


Maybe it might not be any of these things

But really who knows

Except for you that is

And all I really want to tell you

Is whatever it is

You need to hear

About the Author

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